I had the feeling we were not welcome at the meeting.
For example, I still recall that whenever we were together in the same meeting, he used to share certain opinions that came from different perspectives that I could never imagine at the time.
We were likely the only investors outside Italy interested in Marchionne at the time. After some begging and pleading, he granted us a meeting.
We were invited to express our opinions at the meeting.
We had a look around the circuit at a meeting of team managers in Singapore and were given a demonstration of the lighting system.
We were all laughing up our sleeves at our boss when he came to the meeting. He had a askew tie on his Shirt and didn't know it.
We were going to have a meeting at the location, and also try shots, and do some of the choreography. I specially chose the early morning to avoid people.
我们在预定的场地开 会、分镜头、设计和试练动作等等,我们特意挑了大清早来到现场工作,目的就是要避开其他旅客。
As a Chinese company, we were approached by many foreign organizations at the meeting.
We held a meeting after school. Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Millie and I were at the meeting.
We were at their last dealer meeting where they showed pictures of the car.
We were at their last dealer meeting where they showed pictures of the car.