In each case, the dollar reached a point of extreme weakness or strength before heading in the other direction.
The relations between Chnia and Southeast Asia countries underwent serial roils and changes with changes of themselves and weakness or strength of the Qing Dynasty.
The dilemma for America is whether withdrawing from Iraq will restore America's strength or signal greater weakness.
However when analysis techniques are used together, their combined strength can help overcome, or at least greatly mitigate, the weakness of individual methods.
Wernerfelt broadly defines a resource as ‘anything which could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm’ (1984, p. 172).
The inability or unwillingness of human beings to follow rules or be content with their guidance is not a weakness but a strength.
Strength or weakness of a particular stock when measured against a broader index or market.
Don't try to present a strength as a weakness, such as being a workaholic or being too detail-oriented.
Tell a story that demonstrates your strength or weakness.
I like to play from a position of strength, not weakness or uncertainty.
Just something about your weakness, strength, social life, working experience, social activities, learning ability, and the things that you feel difficult or you wonder.
Barone now hopes that ARS can design a test that plant breeders can use to determine the strength or weakness of a plant's cellulose.
The typical advice is to list an actual strength but tell it like it is a weakness such as "I work too hard" or "I like architecture too much".
That is why it is of Paramount importance that we educate our youth, for it is they that will determine the strength or weakness of a country.
In one experiment, the researchers asked people to identify areas of personal strength and weakness, such as their knowledge of sports, Musical Instruments or geography.
Did not achieve this level of strength training, muscle weakness, or there will be possible.
The Hound of the Baskervilles MACD-Histogram offers traders what x-rays offer doctors, showing the strength or weakness of the bone below the surface of the skin.
Another common expression, "to hold water," is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about.
This is the first solid indication of strength or weakness in consumer spending on a monthly basis personal consumption in the U. S. represents over 50% of GNP.
This is the first solid indication of strength or weakness in consumer spending on a monthly basis personal consumption in the U. S. represents over 50% of GNP.