These diseases do not travel internationally, threaten the health or economies of wealthy countries, or make headline news.
For public health, the complexity of cancer control has increased enormously following the shift of the disease burden from wealthy to less affluent countries.
Malaria is no longer a domestic threat to health in most wealthy countries.
This is a relatively low level for a wealthy country but between 25 per cent and 50 per cent higher than the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation.
In wealthy nations, the health impact of chronic diseases has been masked by the identification of high-risk groups and early detection of disease.
More wealthy countries have growing urban slums and shantytowns that drain health resources and strain the social welfare systems.
Many wealthy countries have growing urban slums that drain health resources and strain the social welfare system.
Born to a poor Athenian colonist in Samos, Epicurus was neither wealthy nor aristocratic and apparently suffered from ill health for much of his life.
These indexes could ignore things that are important to most people -- like good universal health care and quality of public transport links -- given how little the very wealthy use these services.
Mr Obama also prepared to send an outline of his budget to Congress, which proposed tax increases on the wealthy to pay for health care.
The financial crisis also caused many wealthy people to slow down their giving, though their financial health has bounced back far more than that of the average American family.
It sounds paradoxical, but in wealthy countries, there's nothing like a recession to boost the population's health.
In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best to keep healthy.
In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy.
Americans are wealthy enough to choose extra health care over other things.
In a country as wealthy as ours, the need to provide health insurance to the millions of children who lack it is a moral, not an economic issue.
When it comes to its citizens' health, in countries that are home to at least one million people, the US ranks below many other wealthy countries.
Forget taxing bonuses or forcing the rich to pay for health care. When it comes to resenting the wealthy, China is far outpacing the U. S. and Briton.
In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy.
In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy.