When the activation tests are complete, ground firings of the laser will occur, followed by flight tests of the entire ABL weapon system.
The crew consists of a pilot and weapon system operator.
Powerplants - that is, jet engines for airplanes, turbines for ships - are some of the most complex, expensive and potentially troublesome components of any weapon system.
As a mobile, solid-state laser weapon system, HEL TD will be mounted on a tactical ground vehicle to counter rockets, artillery and mortars across the spectrum of conflict.
The British vehicles are the first customers for the new weapon system.
Increment 2 is the largest effort ever undertaken to augment the lethality of the B-2 weapon system.
增量2项目是美军有史以来规模最大的研发工作,以增加B - 2武器系统杀伤力。
The objective of the HEL TD program is to demonstrate that a mobile, solid-state laser weapon system can effectively counter rocket, artillery, and mortar projectiles, Boeing officials say.
The Air Force Distributed Common Ground system is the service's premier globally networked intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance weapon system, SAIC said.
BAE Systems will develop an interim all-quadrant defensive weapon system for the CV-22 Osprey aircraft.
BAE系统公司将为CV - 22“鱼鹰”飞机开发一种临时的四象限防御武器系统。
These new capabilities will be built upon an open systems infrastructure to facilitate the ability to incorporate any sensor and weapon system into the Ballistic Missile Defense system (BMDS).
SCALPEL is a small weapon system that offers precision engagement while minimizing the potential for collateral damage in close air support and urban environments.
The Navy's Aegis weapon system is a computer-based weapon system capable of air, surface, and submarine warfare.
Perhaps the AMV itself could become a future combat weapon system platform.
The work fell under the HEL TD Phase I contract, awarded last year to design a beam control system for a truck-mounted laser weapon system.
Raytheon and Rafael are also teaming on the David Sling Weapon System, which is a mobile, land-based missile defense program, and the Blue Sparrow missile defense targets program.
India has these aircraft since 2002 whereas the PAF has no effective weapon system to save major cities of the country and defence installations from any attack by such planes, the official said.
The official said that Pakistan has radars that can detect aircraft flying at an altitude of 25-29 kilometres but the country still lacks a weapon system to hit such planes.
该官员称巴基斯坦的雷达可以侦测到飞行在25 -29公里高度的战机,但这个国家却缺少打击这个高度的武器系统。
For development of any new weapon system it is necessary to choose a best plan by system analysis.
The modern weapon System of Systems has demonstrated more and more network centricity characteristics.
The UAV targets were engaged and destroyed using the Navy's Laser Weapon System guided by Raytheon's Phalanx Close-in Weapon System sensor suite.
Watch the Navy shooting down an airplane over the Pacific ocean using the new LaWS ( Laser Weapon System) guided by Raytheon's Phalanx Close-In Weapon sensors.
海基激光炮击落飞机 请观看海军使用"牢死"laWS(激光武器系统)在雷声公司新的密集方阵近防武器传感器的指引下在太平洋海域击落一架飞机的录像。
Finally, combining to information warfare, the information superiority evaluating models of weapon system are presented.
This paper has been analyzed calculating methods of shot elements about anti helicopter intelligent mine weapon system by proceeding from modern fire control theory.
It provides a basis for the overall design of the new weapon system fault diagnosis device.
First, we investigate some classic costs and efficiency evaluation models and methods about the weapon system.
In the research of laser countermeasure technology, laser beam drift is the inherent character of laser weapon system.
The parameter method is comparatively useful in the cost estimation of new type weapon system.
The target assignment of weapon system in military command is of great importance.
The ground air defense weapon system capacity adopts the AHP to modeling and analyzing.
The ground air defense weapon system capacity adopts the AHP to modeling and analyzing.