The volume of the crystallizer is smaller, has no wearing part and low operating cost.
All the "ear-needle"(ear-ring's wearing part) of alloy products, have gone through a professional prevent hypersusceptibility process.
Peter Crouch will be wearing number nine as opposed to Emile Heskey who played a major part in England qualifying for the finals.
Unlike wearing an interview suit to work, using such websites isn't a clear sign of job hunting, since many people use these portals as part of their job.
Do not be surprised because you may perhaps wearing unsuitable clothes to the occasion that everyone could not believe that you are part of the event or gatherings.
Furthermore, many of the men manning the temple's numerous cash registers-men with shaved heads and wearing monks' robes-admit they're not monks but employees paid to look the part.
Business ownership requires the wearing of many hats, which is part of the reason the failure rate for start-ups is high (about half survive for five years).
He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket.
他穿的很符合角色,一身shalwarkameez 上面套了件防弹背心。
Easter parades are also part of the Easter tradition, with those taking part wearing Easter bonnets, traditionally decorated with spring flowers and ribbons.
Living in the city will, of course, the crowd wearing a face as part of the city.
Crowds of people plunged into ice baths wearing only loincloths as part of a ritual to purify their souls.
Wearing evening gowns all day is just part of her eccentric behaviour.
It's the being the boss part that is wearing me out.
Part of the sewing thread will be worn off, without wearing the orientation of the sewing thread is strong.
Wearing good clothes is part of the leading the good life.
Wearing a black leotard and curled hairpiece, beauty queen Bobbi Boyden shakes her hips and blows kisses to the audience as part of her routine.
Let the turtleneck be the heaviest part of what you're wearing.
I wanted to be involved with everything. I wanted to be part of a team and I helped design the boot I am wearing.
Heartthrob Daniel Wu took part in a very Chinese-inspired photo shoot recently, wearing his hair side-parted.
Care and maintenance of contact lens are an integral part of lens function, comfort, safety, and wearing success.
Wearing elements of black tie out of context is part of that" says carl os de freitas head of men's wear design for dunhill. "It stems from a demand for more relaxation and self-expression.
Wearing protective headgear, the jumping and catching is one part of a varied recovery programme.
Midge is sold as part of the "Happy Family" set, wearing a tiny wedding ring and a detachable stomach with a curled-up baby inside.
The audience—from college students to Yappies, people wearing black T-shirts and silver jewelry, slam dancers and listeners, foreigners and Chinese—gradually became part of the show.
Companies making the cloth are quick to point out that wearing herb-infused clothing will not actually cure an illness, but can simply help as part of an overall approach.
Base course [highways] : the part of a road structure Below the wearing course and above the road Base.
Base course [highways] : the part of a road structure Below the wearing course and above the road Base.