Research is needed on chemical methods to accelerate the natural weathering process by which minerals form carbonates.
Weathering action changes the mineral composition of rocks, and the periods of weathering process reflect weathering intensity.
Based on the chemical analysis, the change of chemical composition of slope rock and the weathering process of slope in red bed were stated.
As an example of practical use of this method, the observation of weathering process of the surface layer of glassware samples has been reported.
It has become a common understanding that frost action is a kind of weathering process, which considerably changes engineering properties of soils due to cryogenical actions.
As a special kind of rocks, black strata are distributed widely. Their weathering usually accelerates weathering process of each kind of rocks and engineering structure materials.
To study the rule of change of rock chemical composition in the weathering process is very important for further research of weathering mechanism and change in rock's physics mechanics character.
Most trace elements, including manganese and arsenic, get into the water through the natural process of rock weathering.
Microorganisms are very important in the process of mineral weathering.
Burma Feicui was subjected to surface geochemical process, resulting in the formation of special weathering crust, which is of great value of technological application.
Ageing mechanism of durability of various kinds of sealants was discussed in the light of their cross-linking process, testing results of heat ageing and Xenon lamp weathering.
Mineral dissolution is an important process in mineral weathering, and therefore the research on the mineral dissolution process helps to reveal the mineral weathering mechanism.
Statistical analysis on size distribution of mineral particle of weathered granite is carried out by using fractal method. The results show that the fracture process of weathering is a fractal one.
The erosion-transport-deposit of weathering sediment is one of the important process of geomorphology development.
物质的侵蚀- 搬运- 堆积是地貌发育的主要过程。
The continuous-casting slab of high strength weathering steel produced by converter, LF and continuous-casting process has good quality.
Weathering of rock is essentially a static process.
The rapid crustal uplift in the Pleistocene and physical weathering and erosion, especially the erosional process of the flood in the mountains, are the direct causes for the formation of the gorges.
At the same time, our leaching experiments indicated that weathering in studying region is actually natural leaching process.
The paper introduces development of narrowband SPA-H weathering steel by adopting the process of "converter-narrowband" instead of "EAF-narrowband".
采用“转炉-窄带”工艺路线开发生产SPA - H耐候钢带替代同品种“电炉-窄带”。
AMD solution, generated from weathering and leaching process, shows a stronger oxidizing capability than the sludge, because of the dissolved of free oxygen in it.
Weathering, being a natural process that decreases rock strength, stiffness and durability, is specially concerned in investigation and design of rock engineering.
Weathering, being a natural process that decreases rock strength, stiffness and durability, is specially concerned in investigation and design of rock engineering.