Domino Web access provides users who access Notes mail accounts through a browser with most of the functionality of the Notes email client.
Depending on your email infrastructure, this function may allow you to receive notifications in your email client, on mobile devices, or using a web browser.
A Web 2.0 email client might use Ajax to download the user's address book for autocompletion.
Web 2.0电子邮件客户端可能使用Ajax下载autocompletion的用户的通讯簿。
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.
For example, in a web-based email client the user will be kept waiting for the results of an Ajax request to find all the email messages that match their search criteria.
例如在基于 Web的电子邮件客户端用户将会保持等待一个Ajax请求,若要查找与他们的搜索条件匹配的所有电子邮件邮件的结果。
Signing up for an iCloud account gives you web access to a new email client, calendar, contacts, Find My iPhone, and documents in the cloud.
Web-based email, social networking and online games are all examples of what are increasingly called cloud services, and are accessible through browsers, smart-phones or other "client" devices.
If you use a web based email client, open a new browser to view your email inbox.
If you use a web based email client, open a new browser to view your email inbox.