The paper gives a verification of the soundness and performance analysis of this Web services composition model based on SPN-NET.
文中给出了基于SPN - NET模型的服务组合合理性验证和性能分析方法。
Web service composition can be divided into two classes, narndy centralized architecture and decentralized architecture, by the location of the Web services composition engine.
Policy sets provide reusable quality of service configurations, which can be associated with the SCA Web services bindings defined in a composition unit.
The involved web services do not know (and do not need to know) that they are involved into a composition and that they are a part of a higher business process.
In order for this composition to occur, we need a way of composing atomic, fine-grained Web services into coarse-grained business services.
The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) represents the merging of WSFL and XLANG, and with luck, will become the basis of a standard for web service composition.
Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL4WS)是WSFL和XLANG 融合的产物,如果运气好的话,它将成为 Web服务整合标准的基础。
BPEL allows composition of web services and is thus the top-down approach to SOA -the process oriented approach to SOA.
In this article, we focus on the implementation technology of SOA and web services base on in-depth studying about the basic theory, composition elements, core technology and programming of SOA.
In this article, we focus on the implementation technology of SOA and web services base on in-depth studying about the basic theory, composition elements, core technology and programming of SOA.