The Web services security model and approaches based on the Web services security specifications help meet the challenges of securing service-oriented applications.
Security header tokens and trusted context are important features to consider when choosing and implementing the security model for your Web services environment.
The book discusses the Model-View-Controller pattern, unit testing, Web services, security, and many other topics that are critical to building effective Web applications.
该书讨论了Model -View - Controller模式、单元测试、Web服务,安全性和对有效的Web应用程序的构建起关键作用的许多其他主题。
Although the demand for secure web services is as important as having interoperable web services, the challenge to standardize a security model across heterogeneous platform remains.
The WebSphere Appplication Server's WS-Security function allows the enablement of capabilities during deployment of the web services implementations through a declarative model.
WebSphereAppplicationServer的Web服务安全性(WS-Security)功能通过声明性的模型使得可以在部署 Web 服务的实现时启用这些功能。
This article focuses on the example of WS-Security Policy to demonstrate how to model nonfunctional metadata for Web services.
本文用WS - SecurityPolicy的实例来示范如何为Web服务的非功能元数据建模。
This article focuses on the example of WS-Security Policy to demonstrate how to model nonfunctional metadata for Web services.
本文用WS - SecurityPolicy的实例来示范如何为Web服务的非功能元数据建模。