Which is the best web vulnerability scanner out there?
How can I find out which web vulnerability scanner best suites my needs?
Secondly, you should also check how many actual vulnerabilities the web vulnerability scanner discovered.
A web vulnerability scanner is a complex piece of software, and discovering vulnerabilities in a website can be a difficult and long process.
The crawling process is the most crucial part of the scan, so you should always make sure that the web vulnerability scanner is able to crawl all of the website’s objects and inputs.
The best way to find out which web vulnerability scanner suites your needs is to get your hands dirty and try them out yourself against a real life website that you will be securing.
In this interview we discuss the process of choosing a web vulnerability scanner and underline several factors that should be taken into consideration in the decision-making process.
An automated web vulnerability scanner will definitely help you discover this parameter, understand how the web application works and USES such a parameter, but it will never discover flaw in it.
The web vulnerability scanner crawls the website, to discover all the files and inputs present in that website, and then launches a number of security checks against those discovered objects.
The web vulnerability scanner crawls the website, to discover all the files and inputs present in that website, and then launches a number of security checks against those discovered objects.