A sitemap informs a search engine about website URLs that are available for crawling so the search engine can include the URLs in its database.
If your website contains a lot of often misspelled words for products, concepts or services, then your search tool may be an exercise in tooth-gnashing frustration.
Website search analytics can provide advantageous insights into what people are looking for on your site and also what your site looks like in search engine results.
For the job, you'll need a mix of technical and marketing skills, grounding in search-engine logic and a nose for website user behavior.
The more relevant, authoritative inbound links you earn for your website, the more of an authority your site becomes in the eyes of search engines.
In this days search engine rankings have become one of the most important issues for a website.
But Microsoft executives hope that the new website, which has been in development for several years, can chip away at the dominance Google exerts on the lucrative web search market.
Doing something is infinitely better than doing nothing, so with that in mind, I've put together a list of the ten most important points for preparing your website for the search engines.
Microsoft struck a deal that will see its Bing search engine adopted for Internet searches in English on Baidu, China's most popular website.
A search for "/online/canadian" will certainly turn up hundreds more sites that have been compromised in the same way, such as the Imperial Ice Stars website.
搜索“/online/canadian”将会链接到几百个有着类似木马的网站,其中还包括冰上皇族(theImperial Ice Stars)网站。
Consider how profitable you could be if your prospective customers found your website near the top of search results for the keywords used in your industry.
A mobile website needs good mobile SEO and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) such as Google mobile AdWords in order to reach potential customers looking for accommodations in your location.
It also records the position of your website over time so that you can watch out for any downward trend in the search engine position of your site.
The search engine ranking for a particular website will have to pass several processes in the latent semantic indexing based search engine optimization.
Because of the importance search engines place on quality links, linking strategy has become a key tool in the webmaster's kit for keeping a website out front in search engine rankings.
Frames in your website make it difficult for search engines to index its pages.
Manfield technology, website promotion, then you are waiting for opportunities in the major search engines display your company's style!
Know the search keywords and phrases used in search engines. Get found for keywords related to your website.
Know the search keywords and phrases used in search engines. Get found for keywords related to your website.