WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance firmware version 2.0 introduces many new features and capabilities.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance固件版本2.0引入了很多新特性和功能。
The cloud is where the deployed WebSphere applications run; they do not run on the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
云是已部署的WebSphereapplications运行的位置;它们不会运行在 WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance 上。
IBM's new WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance helps you create, deploy, and manage WebSphere virtual systems within a private cloud.
IBM的新WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance帮助您在一个私有云中创建、部署和管理WebSphere虚拟系统。
Once in the catalog, the image can be used as the basis for all patterns that are built using the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
存储在该目录后,可以将此映像作为使用WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance构建的所有模式的基础。
IBM has announced its WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance; a tool to create, deploy, and administer private WebSphere cloud environments.
IBM近日发布了WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance,这是一个创建、部署、管理私有WebSphere云环境的工具。
In particular to the maintenance phase of the lifecycle, you can use the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance to apply both fixes and upgrades.
特别是在生命周期的维护阶段,您可以使用WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance来应用补丁和更新。
The WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance enables a mode of self-service access for middleware application environments running in a private cloud.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance为在私有云中运行的中间件应用程序环境提供一种自助访问模式。
The WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance addresses the ever increasing costs of server and middleware management and administration in several ways.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance从多个方面解决了不断攀升的服务器成本和中间件管理和治理问题。
The WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance encompasses many different resources to enable enterprises to construct private WebSphere cloud environments.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance包含了许多不同的资源,帮助企业构建私有的websphere云环境。
Table 1 above provides a summary and examples of the different customization techniques currently included in the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
上面的表1对WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance当前包含的各种定制技巧进行了总结,并给出了示例。
Having established this procedure, the next steps focus on the work to be done to enable the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance to deploy the pattern.
建立此过程之后,后面的步骤主要集中于让WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance能够部署此模式所要完成的工作。
The IBM WebSphere CloudBurst appliance is a new IBM hardware appliance that facilitates the creation and management of a private cloud environment.
IBMWebSphere CloudBurst Appliance是一个新的促进私有云环境创建和管理的IBM硬件设备。
In either case, the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance provides functionality that makes maintaining your application environments simple, safe, and fast.
不管哪一种情况,WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance都提供了各种功能,可以使应用程序环境的维护变得简单、安全和快速。
Subsequent articles in this series will provide details on how these different customizations can be achieved using the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
本系列后续文章将提供有关使用WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance实现各种定制的细节。
In addition to having a broader scope, Workload Deployer has more processing power, storage and network capacity than the WebSphere CloudBurst appliance.
除了其范围之外,WorkloadDeployer还比WebSphere CloudBurst设备拥有更强的处理、存储和网络能力。
To start an interactive session, you must provide information about the location of the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance, as well as your login credentials.
要开始一个交互式会话,必须提供有关WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance位置的信息,以及您的登录凭证。
For example, a resource collection could contain all the hypervisors defined to the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance, or the parts contained in a given pattern.
例如,资源集合可以包含所有针对WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance定义的管理程序,或包含在给定模式中的部分内容。
The IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance provides the capability to create, deploy, and manage virtualized WebSphere application environments in an on-premise cloud.
IBMWebSphere CloudBurst Appliance提供了在预置云中创建、部署和管理虚拟化 WebSphere应用程序环境的能力。
The WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance is a cloud management device that manages the complete lifecycle of virtualized middleware application environments running in a private cloud.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance是一个云管理设备,它管理在私有云中运行的虚拟化中间件应用程序环境的完整生命周期。
As you begin to use a single WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance to support more teams or more usage scenarios, you will likely find an increase in divergence of deployment requirements.
当开始使用单一websphere CloudBurst Appliance支持多个团队或多个使用场景时,很可能会发现部署需求的差异越来越多。
To communicate with a WebSphere Cloudburst Appliance, you will need to implement the network element, including security management, which is described in the conclusion to this series.
要与WebSphere Cloudburst Appliance进行通信,您将需要实现网络元素,包括安全管理,这在本系列结束语中进行了描述。
The ability to produce customized virtual images and use them in an auditable manner to construct virtual systems is an important value proposition of the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
能够生成定制虚拟映像并以可审计的方式使用它们构建虚拟系统,这是WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance的一项重要价值主张。
The biggest difference between the WebSphere CloudBurst appliance and other virtualization management solutions is that the appliance is deeply knowledgeable about the software it dispenses.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance与其他虚拟化管理解决方案的最大不同在于该设备对它所分配的软件具有深入的了解。
If you wish to follow along and perform these steps, you will need access to a WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance with permissions to deploy patterns, create patterns, and create new catalog content.
如果要跟随并执行这些步骤,您需要访问WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance并具备部署模式、创建模式和创建新目录内容的权限。
Anyone that needed to set up this application environment could simply login to a WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance, deploy the pattern, and have an up and running environment in a matter of minutes.
任何需要设置此应用程序环境的人都可以简单登录到WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance、部署此模式并在数分钟内就可以拥有一个运行正常的环境。
As with WebSphere CloudBurst, IBM is delivering this solution as a hardware appliance in order to speed the setup process.
与WebSphere CloudBurst一样,IBM将这个解决方案作为一个硬件设备来交付,以加速设置过程。
Updates to the function of the appliance are provided by way of firmware updates that are applied directly from the WebSphere CloudBurst Web console.
对设备功能的更新是通过固件更新的方式提供的,而后者可以从WebSphere CloudBurstWeb控制台中直接应用。
WebSphere CloudBurst stores this value on the appliance and updates it accordingly.
WebSphere CloudBurst把这个值存储在设备上并相应地更新。
This article will stick to the WebSphere CloudBurst console, which provides a Web 2.0 style interface for interacting with patterns on the appliance.
本文将主要介绍WebSphere CloudBurst控制台,它提供了一个Web 2.0风格的界面来与设备上的模式交互。
In addition, using WebSphere CloudBurst in this capacity categorically demonstrates that the appliance delivers real, tangible value.
另外,以这种能力使用WebSphere CloudBurst清楚地展示了此设备可交付真实、有形的价值。