The Jetty 6 servlet container, RIFE, and WebWork use this approach.
The RIFE framework implements its own continuations, and the WebWork framework uses the RIFE continuations implementation.
RIFE框架实现它自己的延续,而 WebWork 框架使用 RIFE 的延续实现。
Struts naturally integrates with WebWork and the Spring framework, both best-of-breed offerings that provide easier entry into new approaches to Web development.
WebWork and Spring MVC are two other Model 2 architectures that improve on Struts by being less procedural, but neither is as widely accepted (nor as mature, some would argue) as Struts.
The MVC implementation in JSF more closely approximates the style of a traditional GUI application than the Model 2, or "push-MVC" approach used in frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Spring MVC.
与Model2或者Struts、WebWork和SpringMVC 之类的框架中使用的 “push-MVC”方法相比,JSF中的 MVC实现更接近于传统的GUI应用程序。
The MVC implementation in JSF more closely approximates the style of a traditional GUI application than the Model 2, or "push-MVC" approach used in frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Spring MVC.
与Model2或者Struts、WebWork和SpringMVC 之类的框架中使用的 “push-MVC”方法相比,JSF中的 MVC实现更接近于传统的GUI应用程序。