For candy, nuts, raisin, peanut, melon seeds, chips, chocolate, biscuit and other solid granules with automatic weight check.
You could construct all subsets, check that the weight is less than the weight of the knapsack, and then choose the subset with the maximum value.
When diabetes is detected, a doctor may prescribe changes in eating habits, weight control, exercise programs and medication to keep it in check.
It is important to verify that the type family is plentiful, with variations in weight, black, whites and italics... Check out that the italic is as legible as the regular version.
Check with your doctor or health care provider before starting any weight-loss diet, especially if you have any health conditions, including diabetes.
And so you could construct all subsets, check that the weight is less than the weight of the knapsack, and then choose the subset with the maximum value.
Midwives, health visitors, and GPs should talk to women about their weight at their six-week check.
Get your blood pressure tested, or step on the scale and check your weight.
To help achieve your winter weight loss goals, I recommend you check out a weight loss program which focuses on your menu plan and exercise to get you to your target weight.
Someone might think that with a history like that I would keep my weight and smoking habits in check.
Check out some of our best weight-loss tips from the past year.
Check with your baby 's doctor for the right medicine dose for baby' s age or weight.
Check mud weight every 15 minutes.
Now it was a simple job: obtain a volume of gold equal to the volume of the water and check its weight against the weight of the crown.
Also, whoever is prescribing a drug for a hospitalized child should write out how they arrived at the proper dosage, based on weight, so a pharmacist or nurse can double check the calculation.
They'll check your ticket and weight in your baggage for you.
Next time you're shopping check these out and make note of the price and the weight of the bag.
PSCO: Show me the weight and blow through check report of your carbon dioxide system, please.
Could you put it on the scales, so I can check the weight?
I have to check up the initial plan, calculate the weight and make some adjustment to the ship's draft.
Doctors check their breathing, heartbeat, ears, eyes, and throat, their weight, take samples of patient's fluids to run tests, and look for signs of more serious illnesses.
Like anyone else, celebrities sometimes have trouble keeping the pounds off. Many start diets to achieve weight loss. Check out the ones who succeeded!
Note: On pump discharge, the preferred check valves are an in-line spring loaded, swing design with lever and weight or lever and spring.
Can check out my rants and musings of not gaining weight on my blog, LOL.
While it is relatively easy to check the weight of a traveller"s luggage and charge those that bust limits, it is much harder to regulate a person"s waistline.
NIBCO swing check valves are available with an outside lever and weight. The lever and weight arrangement is used to maintain exterior control over disc movement.
On pump discharge, the preferred check valves are in-line spring loaded, swing design with lever and weight or lever and spring.
On pump discharge, the preferred check valves are in-line spring loaded, swing design with lever and weight or lever and spring.