It was only the mice that changed their eating times that gained weight, taking on a body mass gain of about 50 percent more than their standard light-dark cycle counterparts.
In addition to lower weight gain, the mice fed the green tea supplement showed a nearly 30 percent increase in fecal lipids, suggesting that the EGCG was limiting fat absorption, according to Lambert.
Women who slept 6 hours nightly were 12 percent more likely to experience major weight gain and 6 percent more likely to become obese compared with those who slept 7 hours each night.
After age 20, your metabolism slows down by about 10 percent every decade, which could be a reason why you gain weight when you eat the same amount of food you did when you were younger.
Overall, 20 percent of the women in the study who gained more than 40 pounds -- the upper limit of pregnancy weight gain recommendations in the United States -- gave birth to heavy babies.
总体来看,在孕期体重增幅超过40磅的女性中,有20%的人生下了超重婴儿。 在美国,孕期增重建议最高上限为40磅。
Overall, 20 percent of the women in the study who gained more than 40 pounds — the upper limit of pregnancy weight gain recommendations in the United States — gave birth to heavy babies.
Twenty-five percent of DMPA users whose weight increased by five percent within the first six months of use, called "early gainers," were at risk for continued, excessive weight gain.
Women who exceeded the IOM guidelines for weight gain had a 50 percent increase in the risk of gestational diabetes compared to women who gained within or below the IOM recommendations.
As compared with control group, weight gain rates of yaks aged2,3,4 years in experiment group increased by 20.1,14.5 and 4.9 percent unit resp.
As compared with control group, weight gain rates of yaks aged2,3,4 years in experiment group increased by 20.1,14.5 and 4.9 percent unit resp.