Weighted Round Robin (WRR) : RR scheduling with additional weighting factor to compensate for differences in realserver capabilities such as additional CPUs, more memory, and so on.
Weighted Round Robin (wrr):使用附加的权重因子进行RR调度以补偿各种realserver功能(如附加cpu、更多内存等)的差异。
And Modified Weighted Deficit Round Robin (MWDRR) scheduling scheme and Random Early Discard (RED) queuing mechanism are applied at scheduling end.
Discussed the mechanism of dynamic feed backed load and given a basic and dynamic balance model and analysis it combined with the arithmetic of Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling.
In order to get the good result, authors have made research on the algorithms of the Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling, improved Self-adaptive Scheduling in the process of the campus grid load-balance.
In order to get the good result, authors have made research on the algorithms of the Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling, improved Self-adaptive Scheduling in the process of the campus grid load-balance.