How to reduce and control welding deformation is a major issue in the process of manufacturing the bogie frame of the high-speed locomotive.
Our configurations in welding robot are applied for manufacturing the frame of bogie to manufacture the advanced metro vehicles in the world.
Mainly analyzed are the technologies in processing of side frame guides, assembly by welding of the side frame and braced seat, and assembly of the bogie.
This paper mainly describes the structure of DJ1 bogie side frame and analyzes its distortion characteristic. The controlling technology of welding distortion has also been presented.
介绍了DJ 1构架侧梁的结构,分析了其焊接变形特点,阐述了控制构架侧梁焊接变形的工艺措施。
This paper mainly describes the structure of DJ1 bogie side frame and analyzes its distortion characteristic. The controlling technology of welding distortion has also been presented.
介绍了DJ 1构架侧梁的结构,分析了其焊接变形特点,阐述了控制构架侧梁焊接变形的工艺措施。