Flexible pipe (also called wire road coated with plastic), is the welding steel pipe coated plastic resin. To prevent separation between coating and steel, special adhesive is used.
In the construction of steel pipe scaffold on electric welding machine, vibrator and other electrical equipment should be placed in dry wood, operators shall wear insulating protective equipment.
Electric welding is used to repair iron and steel parts of machinery, and to make steel pipe and frameworks of all kinds.
Basically, those steel pipe materials which, with adequately high strength, show sufficient toughness, good welding behaviour and resistance to corrosive media are in demand.
Fbutt welding of the carbon steel pipe.
The paper detailedly introduces application technique and tool set-up mould of lincoln weld in steel reel pipe welding.
Analyzes the welding characteristic of importing new type of SA213 - T23 steel, tests the welding technique of small diameter pipe, takes further understanding for the steel welding performance.
Analyzes the welding characteristic of importing new type of SA213 - T23 steel, tests the welding technique of small diameter pipe, takes further understanding for the steel welding performance.
分析了我国新引进的钢种SA 213-T23钢的焊接性能,并对其小径管的焊接工艺进行了试验,对该钢种的焊接性能有了进一步的了解和认识。
Of Dongguan City in Guangdong Province, the first professional production of stainless steel pipe welding businesses.
In this paper the HAZ weld thermal cycles of the welding by both sides submerged arc welded steel pipe were reproduced by the dislocation overlap weld method.
In order to convenient welding, pipe and the connecting pipe steel is the same.
Based on the special weldability of big diameter stainless steel pipe complete welding, puts forward the more reasonable welding process and operational method.
In the production of spiral weld pipe, the quality of the online automatic submerged arc welding is of significant importance to the final steel pipe product.
The paper gives a description to the electric resistance welding and stretch reducing mill process (ERW/SRM) in steel pipe production and the features of its main equipments.
介绍了用焊接和热减径工艺生产钢管的ERW/SRM 生产线及其主要的工艺设备特点。
Flux-cored wire is applied to the austenitic stainless steel pipe by back weld, MAG for the filling and cosmetic weld, at horizontal fixed round welding vertically up.
An advantage of this type of saddle clamp was that permanent repair could be made by welding the steel piece to the pipe and then removing the bolted portions.
Analyses the constitution of steel pipe wreath sews welding production line, and adopt the PLC technique to control the production line with automation.
The result shows that welding quality of steel pipe is improved obviously.
Ji 'nan stainless steel pipe connection methods are commonly used welding connection, socket welding connection and pipe thread connection.
Cold bend welding pipe equipment is indispensable to welding pipe production and cold bend type steel with open or close entrance.
The longitudinal cracks along bond line and the transverse cracks which cut across the weld metal cross section inside weld metal were formed, while X65 pipe line steel was welding.
Both wet and dry underwater welding operations are presented to repair the burst at the welding seam of large size crossing steel pipe.
The whole procedure includes preparing steel strip and butt welding, forming and fixed position welding, pipe output and cutting, and final submerged arc welding.
In this paper, the residual welding stresses in a low carbon steel girth butt welded pipe are calculated with a nonlinear finite element code ADINA.
The chemical composition, mechanic property, weldability and corrosion resistance of argon arc welding wire for low carbon steel pipe line are contrasted and analyzed.
In this paper, the reform process of the welding equipment and the choice of welding parameter about CO2 enclosed-arc welding as skelp end-welding in welded steel pipe mill are introduced.
介绍了管子、带钢接头co 2气体保护自动焊焊接设备的改造过程及工艺参数选择。
To introduce the process of wire drawing process, chemical Cu-plating process and formulation of top grade submerged-arc welding wire for pipe line steel.
Probabilistic distribution model for welding flaws undetected, material mechanical properties and internal pressure of welded steel pipe are investigated.
A kind of seal welding technology of the pipe ends for achieving the reliable welds of stainless steel clad pipe is introduced.
A kind of seal welding technology of the pipe ends for achieving the reliable welds of stainless steel clad pipe is introduced.