This capacity for previously well-adapted genes to be flummoxed by the modern world can account for many apparent imperfections.
The Neanderthals were smart, tough, and well-adapted to the cold where they lived in regions north of Africa. So what happened to them?
Santa Catalina's vegetation is not well-adapted to frequent fires, and when they do occur, they usually happen at the end of the dry season.
Patterns are a tool for a very important concept known as "evidence-based design" - design that is well-adapted to solve human problems, and to meet human needs.
In 2011, as in 1943, efforts to outlaw and punish the most horrific deeds need to be pragmatic, and well-adapted to local realities, as well as spectacular and utopian.
Mosasaurs breathed air and were powerful swimmers that were well-adapted to living in the warm, shallow epicontinental seas prevalent during the Late Cretaceous Period.
Thoughtfulness regarding features and materials will underscore the sites temper and character, and well-adapted, functional facilities will augment the visitors experience.
Around a thousand years ago, one group emerged that was uniquely well adapted to cope with the Arctic environment.
The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless on mud.
The movie adapted from a novel is well received by people.
The many rainforest bat species are especially well adapted for this lifestyle.
Darwin's theory explained why species were so well adapted to their environment and how new species would form.
The chub were well adapted to the poor visibilitycreated by the thick, red water which gave the river its name, and depended onit to hide from predators.
You don't have to be perfectly adapted to survive, you just have to be as well adapted as your competitors.
This has always been a badge of geek pride: unlike the creakingpen-and-ink dinosaurs that I grew up reading, I’m well adapted to the modernreality of technology.
Because they are so well adapted to clothing, we know that body lice or clothing lice almost certainly didn't exist until clothing came about in humans.
A huge number of native pig breeds exist around the world and are well adapted to local conditions.
Some research in social psychology suggests that our brains are not well adapted to protect ourselves from gradually encroaching harms.
Grasses are well adapted to fire, being able to resprout quickly from their roots and thus outcompete tree seedlings.
We're fairly well adapted for life in a hunter-gatherer society, but evolution has not caught up to the way we live now.
Modern urban life in rich countries is not well adapted to large families. Women find it hard to combine family and career.
Although the young scavengers' digestive systems might be well adapted to digesting bone fragments, they are not suited to handling plastic, metal and glass.
The result of this highly configurable process is, ideally, a very readable document that is well adapted to the needs of the target audience.
XSLT 2.0 is a well adapted technology for adding structure to narrative content, which is increasingly represented in XML or something that can be easily converted to XML, such as HTML.
XSLT 2.0是一种适应性很强的技术,可用于为叙述性内容添加结构。人们越来越多地使用XML或易于转化为XML的格式(如html)来表示叙述性内容。
Unlike older management products, Hyperic HQ is well adapted to cloud and virtualized deployments, not being limited to a management model predicated on physical machines.
"While we are not as fast as some quadrupeds, we are definitely well adapted to running for very long durations under extreme thermal stress, as marathon runners attest," Helton said.
As a result, instead of becoming better adapted we are actually becoming less well adapted to the world we are creating.
As a result, instead of becoming better adapted we are actually becoming less well adapted to the world we are creating.