At the same time, limit the not well-known business enterprise participate, and goes together with to talks over with the center business area.
Retailers, offline as well as online, are masters of data mining (or “business intelligence”, as it is now known).
You can associate queries with well known business names.
The software embedded in products — known as "embedded software" — is increasingly the focus of product line growth, as well as the delivery of business value and innovation.
Many SOA projects use use-case modeling as a well-known technique for capturing the business requirements and driving business process models.
The guests were reportedly not on government business and included a well-known Italian musician.
The guests, many from well-known multinational corporations, is the world's outstanding representatives of the business sector.
Start at high profile business blogs that have a lot of traffic and are consistently updated by well-known bloggers.
Yet in our business, it's not all about being well known. It's about how well you know your clients.
I have taken a new partner, Mr. C., who is well known in the boot trade generally, and who, besides his many years of experience, brings a large addition of capital into the business.
In recent decades, many younger Cambodians, as well as members of the business-classes, have favored learning English and it is gradually becoming the more widely-known.
Well known is the structural weakness in Groupon's business model, being the "low cost of entry" for competitors.
And, in defining business rules, CAM USES the well-known XPath.
A well-known philanthropist, he sold his SunAmerica business to AIG and the proceeds have helped not only his adoptive city of Los Angeles but the nation's art dealers.
The most eminent of the sportsmen, represent football clubs that are well known, and function as large business concerns.
Well-known PR pro Jeremy Toeman has started a business you'd hardly recognize as part of an era of YouTube clones, yet it is dependent on that very world of free, prolific, user generated content.
知名的公共关系专家Jeremy Toeman开始了一项在这个YouTube克隆横行的时代显的非常与众不同的业务,虽然它也同样依赖着大量的、免费的、用户生成的信息。
That way, I can easily apply well-known concepts like an Enterprise Service bus (see also the IBM Patterns for e-business).
通过这样,我可以轻松地应用企业服务总线之类的各种熟知概念(另请参见ibmPatternsfor e - business)。
Well , it's known that the Sino-American relation is in a dilemma. Does it influence your business in China?
The most famous of the players, represent soccer clubs which are very well known, and operate as big business concerns .
The producer of that television show is a well - known business tycoon.
Grand Hotels: As one of the well-known figures in the modern business history, can you briefly tell us something about your family history?
Our vision is to become a respectable well-known world-class company, an attractive business partner and employer as well as a good corporate citizen.
As a logistics business owner or staff, need for this well known, and the corresponding policy research, to make their own benefit.
His 2.26-meter height, as well as a successful business known as the Asian giant.
His 2.26-meter height, as well as a successful business known as the Asian giant.