No matter how well you know this city, it is easy to get lost.
To learn English well isn't easy, is it?
Well, like we say, it's easy if... No, you're right. It is easy. They should be able to score from 12 yards.
This approach works well when the format is fixed or self-defining, and it has the advantage of facilitating easy optimizations for specific formats.
It is easy to agree on the facts - increased leverage and asset bubbles in many economies, as well as serious errors made at the top of huge financial conglomerates.
Now the lab is making it easy for researchers to download and use not just data processed for meteorologists, but the unfiltered data as well.
It conducts heat very well, its enameled surface does not discolor foods, and it is easy to clean.
And studying it is not easy because the effects aren't well understood.
The code is fairly easy to write, but it does not scale well because of the amount of work that it must do to count the number of records that satisfy the query that each facet value represents.
As well as being quieter, van Schalkwyk's vuvuzela is easy to pack and breaks on impact, because it is made of three parts that snap together.
It's still in Beta, and there isn't a search feature or the ability to make annotations yet, but overall it works pretty well and is easy to use.
Against this background, it is easy to understand why official environmental data gets better every year, while the public's sense of well-being diminishes.
Crop circles are not normal occurrences, they do not fit in too well with our usual beliefs. This of course is not to everyone's liking - it is not easy to face the unknown.
Well, it’s easy, it really is.
It is of the utmost importance to provide your end users with logical models of the data warehouse that are well integrated and easy to interpret.
One of the benefits as well as curses of XML is that it makes it so easy for anyone to define his or her own languages.
If the application is well-written, then it should be relatively easy to modify and to test the parts as necessary.
Note that the extension is easy to understand and modify, and that it can do the job just as well as the previous, non-parsing example (see the Event loop with command-line switches).
Although you need discipline to apply and perfect it, I find that TFP is easy to understand and fits well with the way I work.
尽管您依照规范来应用并完善TFP,我发觉TF P很容易理解并且很适合我的工作方式。
Getting an element by ID is something that's often done and, well, it's easy to mistype something with more than 20 characters in it!
GUI Construction: [JSP-style frameworks have often] no knowledge of the structure of the HTML code generated by the template, so it is very easy to generate non well-formed documents.
This method is simple yet not easy, but it works very well. It is a matter of sticking with it one hundred percent of the time.
The terrible performance of the Japanese equity market over the past 20 years is well known. It is easy to forget that property prices have suffered almost as much.
Several projects have seen how easy it is to get PDE projects building with Tycho, and have transitioned the build platform as well as their repository.
Is hidden under the hood, hot-wired to the battery-it works very well and it is easy to hook up continuous power, "writes one customer on AccuTracking's message board, who is tracking her husband."
Message sending is usually asynchronous, although it is easy to build synchronous calls as well and some actor implementations provide those as a feature.
Long battery life, easy on the eyes, the Kindle is good for one thing - books. But it does books supremely well.
Long battery life, easy on the eyes, the Kindle is good for one thing - books. But it does books supremely well.