I arrived in China three weeks ago and spent my first week in Shanghai teaching at Wellington College International.
sheer force of his own benevolent nature--when drawing up the conditions of the annual prize to be given by Her Majesty at Wellington College
Ashbee went to Wellington College and read history at King's College, Cambridge, from 1883 to 1886, and studied under the architect George Frederick Bodley.
Critics assume that private parents are rich snobs trying to avoid the lower orders, says Anthony Seldon, headmaster of Wellington College, a boarding school.
评论者认为私立学校孩子的父母是设法避免下层社会的富裕的势利之人,一所寄宿学校- - -惠灵顿学院的校长安东尼·塞尔登(AnthonySeldon)如是说。
At Wellington College in Berkshire, for example, teenagers are not taught from the front of the class, but instead sit around a large oval table for seminar-style discussions.
比如在Berkshire的Wellington College少年们不是被课堂前面的老师教授,而是围坐在一个椭圆形桌子进行研讨会性质的讨论。
At Wellington College in Berkshire, for example, teenagers are not taught from the front of the class, but instead sit around a large oval table for seminar-style discussions.
比如在Berkshire的Wellington College少年们不是被课堂前面的老师教授,而是围坐在一个椭圆形桌子进行研讨会性质的讨论。