Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.
Were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.
Were it not for the nameless adventure that awaited them, they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.
Were it not for the fact that I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.
That would be the end of the story were it not for an odd detail.
Were it not for the Vatican, this pimple would be the world's smallest independent state.
This would be good news all round were it not for the consequent crash in banking confidence.
Were it not for the camera and the painter, the tree might be a transitory force in our lives.
Let there be no question: ours would be a very different industry, were it not for Steve Jobs.
毫问疑问的,假如没有Steve Jobs,我们的电脑产业将会非常不同。
The Netherlands would not be the centre of the global flower trade were it not for Schiphol airport.
All this would not matter much, were it not for the fact that many businesses depend on landlines.
Such madcap denial could perhaps be shrugged off were it not for the simultaneous arrest of Mr Ganic.
This complaint could be understood as an initial response to solitude and hardship were it not for subsequent letters.
The Reserve Bank of India would have raised interest rates more aggressively last year were it not for political pressure.
Were it not for Fournier's frightening meticulousness, the existence of this society would have been forever hidden from us.
This would be surprising were it not for the fact, so visible from above, that the world is still a sparsely populated place.
I argued that it was not so trivial, that were it not for the precious accident of the train schedule, I would be in prison or dead.
Were it not for the Internet, social networking sites, and patient activists, there would be no research going on today on CCSVI.
These statistics would be even grislier were it not for lenders’ inability or reluctance to eject all those who are in default at once.
In fact Israel may not have come to exist were it not for Europe, as Zionism was born out of frustrated hopes and despair on the continent.
The sums would be of scant interest were it not for the fact that the man measuring out his life in ink that day was Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
This decision might be dismissed as misplaced punctiliousness were it not for evidence that Agcom has been subject to pressure from Mr Berlusconi.
Were it not for Vuitton, estimates one analyst, LVMH's sales would have fallen by 3% in the first half of 2009 and profits would have plunged by 40%.
Still, were it not for the nameless adventure that awaited them they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.
但是,那场等待他们的无名的冒险仍未降临。 如果不是他们心存期待,他们早就每晚一对掷骰子,然后等出现两个六点的时候结束生命了。
Still, were it not for the nameless adventure that awaited them they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.
但是,那场等待他们的无名的冒险仍未降临。 如果不是他们心存期待,他们早就每晚一对掷骰子,然后等出现两个六点的时候结束生命了。