At least 102 people have died after consuming toxic alcohol in India's west Bengal state, police say.
At least 11 people were killed and 25 injured when a tropical storm swept through a large portion of Indian West Bengal state on Monday.
Authorities in West Bengal state, who want to rescue the project and the state's image as a business-friendly destination, have started talks with the protesters.
In India, police say there are no more passengers trapped inside the wreckage of a train that crashed in West Bengal state, at least 60 people reported killed in that crash.
Villagers in West Bengal state pooled their money together this week to marry Rama and Sita, two frogs named after India's most revered mythological couple from the epic Ramayana.
West Bengal is a crowded state, which went further than most to return land to the tiller.
He is devoted to rebuilding Congress, especially in populous north India; forthcoming state elections, in Bihar in October and West Bengal next year, will be important tests of his progress.
Forthcoming state elections, in Bihar in October and West Bengal next year, will be important tests of his progress.
For years, they have largely failed to capture the imagination and the support of the masses beyond their regional strongholds of West Bengal and the state of Kerala.
The couple, who live in the eastern state of West Bengal, have refused to obey the order and the issue has been referred to a local family counseling center.
Modern accessories add flash to a traditional street scene in Kolkata, capital of the state of West Bengal.
For example, people from the state of Punjab, who speak the Punjabi language are called Punjabi's, while those from the state of West Bengal, who speak the Bengali language are called Bengali's.
A train carrying some 1, 200 passengers was held for six hours in the Indian state of West Bengal by a militia supported by Maoist Naxalite rebels.
Officials in the Indian state of West Bengal said that an epidemic of bird flu was spreading, affecting nine of the state's 19 districts, and "getting out of hand".
The couple who live in the eastern state of west Bengal have refused to obey the order and the issue has been referred to a local family counseling center.
Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, the Indian state neighboring Bangladesh, is so far refusing to accompany Prime minister Singh's delegation.
The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu was found among poultry in Malda, infecting seven of the 19 districts in the eastern state of West Bengal, according to state officials.
发言人还说“这种致死性的H5NI禽流感病毒最开始是从Malda地区的家禽中开始流行的,很快扩散到了West Bengal州西部的几个区。”
The West Bengal University of Technology and IBM India have signed an MOU to advance it learning initiatives within the State.
The Indian state of West Bengal has ordered an investigation into the deaths of 17 infants reportedly within 36 hours at a Calcutta hospital.
The Indian state of West Bengal has ordered an investigation into the deaths of 17 infants reportedly within 36 hours at a Calcutta hospital.