Compared to the Eastern Empire, the Western Empire had many disadvantages, including more foreign enemies and fewer material and human resources.
The division of the Roman Empire into two parts was particularly damaging for the Western Empire because it relied on the Eastern Empire for economic support.
By AD 476 the western empire had ceased to exist.
Nonetheless, it is still possible for the Western Empire to rise again.
In the 5th century these peoples, often called barbarians, carved new kIngdoms out of the decrepit Western Empire.
Roman exploitation of the countryside is symbolized by the Villa Romana del Casale (in Sicily), the centre of the large estate upon which the rural economy of the Western Empire was based.
Turkey and Norway were the only NATO members to border the Soviet Union. But Turkey's pro-Western stance led it to neglect its neighbourhood, including many countries once in the Ottoman empire.
Turkey and Norway were the only NATO members to border the Soviet Union.But Turkey's pro-Western stance led it to neglect its neighbourhood, including many countries once in the Ottoman empire.
Japan, which in the 19th century took on board western notions of the sovereign state, absorbed Ryukyu (now Okinawa) and went on forcibly to incorporate much of Asia into its short-lived empire.
The eastern part (which would soon unite with the central portion as the Holy Roman Empire) can roughly be regarded as the beginnings of what is now Germany, the western part, that of France.
By the end of 2010 Russia will be able to close down the ill-named Druzhba (“Friendship”) pipeline, built to carry Soviet oil to the western half of the Kremlin’s empire.
Like all Indian groups, Tata says it does not run the empire by monitoring its totted-up share of all of the profits or losses of every subsidiary, as a Western conglomerate might.
China that had rich resources and importance of strategy was a poor and weak empire, and the western powers invaded chiefly China in East Asia, so their pressure on Japan had lessened.
With the decline of the Ottoman Empire, western powers intervened in Lebanon.
After the decline of the Mughals, western, central and parts of south and north India were integrated and administered by the Maratha Empire.
Germanic tribal leader who in 476 deposed Romulus Augustulus (reigned 475-476), bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.
日尔曼部落首领,在476年废黜罗慕罗斯·奥古斯都(475- 476在位),结束了西罗马帝国。
In the heyday of their empire, the Romans controlled most of the western world.
Rome was the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
Kiril has followed a dark trail of magic to a peaceful valley on the Western borders of the Holy Falcon Empire.
The sculpture vividly displays the great power of the Western Han Dynasty and Huo Qubing's immense military contribution to his empire.
形象地表现了汉帝国的强盛而不可撼,高度地概括了霍去病戎马征战的丰功伟绩。 收藏。
It was the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
Byzantine Empire: Empire, southeastern and southern Europe and western Asia.
Golden Horde, or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation FOR the western part of the Mongol empire.
Augustus left Rome with a vast empire that covered most of the western world.
Genghis Khan and his descendants set up the Mongolian Empire successively in the western expedition during the over half of the century.
He was credited for cultivating the tulip in Western Europe when he got bulbs from his friend who was an ambassador for the Ottoman Empire.
The romance dates from the cold war: when western Europe was sometimes squishy in dealing with the Soviet empire, America was robust.
The romance dates from the cold war: when western Europe was sometimes squishy in dealing with the Soviet empire, America was robust.