He was also forced to apologise in 2007 after referring to the Outer Hebrides in the Western Isles of Scotland as 'nowheresville.
Though the Gaelic language is still heard in the Highlands and western isles, the English language is spoken all over the Scotland.
From the late 870s Vikings settled permanently in England, and also founded colonies in the Isle of man, the Northern and Western Isles, the Faroes, and Iceland.
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warmsthem.
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.
One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaul.
凯尔特 人印欧民族的一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、不列颠群岛和加拉提亚东南部。
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.
曾在远离北大西洋海岸的多岩岛屿上大型不会飞行的海雀; 已灭绝。
Hailing from Western Europe and the British Isles in particular, the Fianna are a tribe that indulges in its passions for music, drink, love and fighting (not necessarily in that order).
作为来自西欧和英格兰群岛的部族, 芬 尼安嗜好音乐、美酒、爱情和搏击等等。
Hailing from Western Europe and the British Isles in particular, the Fianna are a tribe that indulges in its passions for music, drink, love and fighting (not necessarily in that order).
作为来自西欧和英格兰群岛的部族, 芬 尼安嗜好音乐、美酒、爱情和搏击等等。