Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it.
Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives and get a job without really thinking about it.
Q: What college did you graduate from?
What do I feed my college graduate?
Tell me the ZIP code and I'll tell you what kind of college a high-school graduate most likely attends.
She's a college graduate, and while she mentions she is studying for a "PhD dissertation," she doesn't mention what school she's doing this so-called dissertation for.
She’s a college graduate, and while she mentions she is studying for a “PhD dissertation,” she doesn’t mention what school she’s doing this so-called dissertation for.
For college students, when the graduate season comes, it is time for them to think about their future and figure out what kind of job they want to work on.
What college did you graduate from, and what subject did you major in?
What do you want to do when you graduate from high school or college?
Most college students aren't thinking about networking, but that's exactly what you should be doing before you graduate.
When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job, I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview.
And for professional to electrical engineering theory graduate student, stay in the college to teach to be able to make what oneself learned to have the land of use force undoubtedly.
The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.
The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.