What I am worried about is whether I can find another job.
What I am worried about, and what I dedicate my efforts to, is ensuring readers don't get fed up with us pushing a product in editorial space that just doesn't deserve to be there.
I am worried about the decline of what I call deep reading.
Is that a lump I can feel? Should I be worried about the dimpled skin there? What exactly am I feeling for?
是可以感觉到的一个硬块吗?我应该担心起波纹的皮肤吗?我究竟应该怎么检查? ?
I am worried about a disorderly bankruptcy and what it would do to the psychology and the markets, he said.
I was worried about my future and did a lot of exploration. Now I am clear and have decided about what to do as my career.
Oh... I am really worried about the exam. I have no idea what will be on it.
I am worried about my garden. What if I am away for the trip?
I am worried about my garden. What if I am away for the trip?