You came! You really came just like what I had wished!
你来啦! 你真的如我所愿来啦!
I don't have much money, but I'd like to buy my dad something really special, if you know what I mean.
Yes, $150 starts off my day! I'm sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood, I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy! Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.
Would you like to hear what I could do to really help your department?
I feel I have a duty to explain what it is like to be psychotic - to be that person muttering at you in the street. But what I really want to explain is that you can come out the other side.
I hope that by reading this piece I have stirred up in you a realization of what your life could be like if you woke up one day and decided to really live it.
And I really don't care what your WSFL flow model looks like, I just want to receive a purchase order from you so I can get things rolling.
Saying things like, "I know you're really mad," "I know this isn't what you wanted for me," or, "I know this isn't what you expected" can help your parents be more understanding.
I invite you to consider what really makes up your self-worth-like your caring heart, or your ability to stand tall in the face of adversity.
A potential sign that you've delegated too early is when those under your supervision make statements like, "I wasn't really sure what you wanted," or you hear it whispered that you're capricious.
I really like what you have, but the price for this product is much higher than we expected. I'm absolutely not a buyer at that price.
When you walked in and immediately said, “I’m looking for a book, ” what you really meant to say is, “I would like you to find me a book.” You never looked.
Do you know what I really, really, really like about you?
Robert: Yeah, I really like this place. What about you?
As well as words, I (like you) also love presents. I love buying presents for my friends and finding out what they would really like.
But I know what they’re really asking us is: “How can you two stand to live like this?”
But I really have no idea what you are like at all, I don't even know your real name! I only know three things about you.
What he did is email her from a different email address and say hey, I saw you won those tickets, I'd really like to go, can I buy them from you for $1, 000?
When she told me what I do not love you, I really feel like a monkey, like to be thorough from start to finish to tell her.
I really don't know what you like.
I'm Lisa Sinclair, and what I want to do is help you find out how to really connect with women, just like me.
You know what? I don't really like that guy. I think he is sneaky.
You know what? I really like you.
I don't like really music here, What about you?
I really don't know what you like.
I really don't know what you like.