All right, what if I said I never cared about, you know, folk music?
Richard: What if I said that this action movie will make you chuckle?
But what if I said there is a place even higher than Everest, with a gentle three-degree slope that you could stroll up?
What if I said I drew all six so that everyone who saw them could understand what I was drawing in the matter of 40 seconds? How do you think I did it?
He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts."
I ask my father if he texts messages, and guess what he said?
But I ask my father if he texts messages, and guess what he said?
I don't believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
"I shall only come if you promise not to do what you said," insisted the boy.
I decided to find out if he really meant what he said.
Jokingly, I said to the group, "What do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or smartphones?"
"It aired, and I said," What if we did a trilogy?
If I were you, I would take Tom's advice, what he said was add up.
You're mistaken, Mrs Linton,' said I. `They humour you: I know what there would be to do if they did not.
虽然我依着他们俩,可我又想狠狠的惩罚他们一下也许会把他们变好哩。” “你错了,林惇夫人,”我说。
I said the only way I would consider it at the end of the season is if I didn't deliver what is expected from me.
I was watching some sitcom one day (don't remember what it was) and one of the characters said, "If I can't sweep you off your feet I'll just wear you down!"
Of course, if you're like me, when I first saw XDR I said "What the heck is that?"
当然,如果您象我一样,当我第一次看到XDR 时,说“那是什么鬼东西?”
I finally asked her what she would change about me if she could. She said, "I don't want to change you."
Use phrases like: "So what you're saying is..." or "If I heard you correctly, you said..."
"Well," said Gavroche, "what if I were to go and carry your letter to-morrow?"
What would happen if I said yes?
"If they ask me questions like 'Do you live with your parents?' I know what they're after," he said.
“If they ask me questions like ‘Do you live with your parents?’ I know what they’re after, ” he said.
If you understand what I have said before, then the two conditions should be understood without explanation attached.
You know what I mean? Going back to this one, if I said this jug was loud, what would you think?
You know what I mean? Going back to this one, if I said this jug was loud, what would you think?