But what if the basis for all this stress and disappointment-the idea that getting into an elite college makes a big difference in life-is wrong?
But what if the basis for all this stress and disappointment-the idea that getting into an elite college makes a big difference in life-is wrong?
The most important thing is to have an overview of your life, a clear idea of what you want to get - big and small - and an effective way to take action and measure the results we get.
Planning is the big “gotcha” for lots of people — we might have a big general plan, but when it comes time to sit down and actually do something, we have no idea what to do.
Now, if you abstract what is going on here a bit you'll end up with the idea of a big table that will quickly return results.
Hawaii is famous for big waves, which makes the surfers happy, but what about a beach for those who have no idea what ‘under the barrel’ means?
夏威夷以浪大著称,这儿的大浪可乐坏了冲浪手,可是对于那些不知“underthe barrel”(糗大了,我也不知道这词啥意思,求指教)意思的人,沙滩意味着什么呢?
The idea that just over the next hill there will be excitement and mystery is a big part of what makes us human.
The idea that just over the next hill there will be excitement and mystery is a big part of what makes us human.
The earth is so big, we can't see the whole earth with our eyes, if we want to know it, we must have a good idea. What kinds of methods we can use to solve the problems? Let's talk about it.
The earth is so big, we can't see the whole earth with our eyes, if we want to know it, we must have a good idea. What kinds of methods we can use to solve the problems? Let's talk about it.