What is even worse is that many of them confuse these turns with modern dynamic race turns.
What is even worse, we can find no way to be optimistic, because now as a weaker section in teaching Chinese, there are many problems needing solving in teaching writing.
Because you can referee wrongly, make a mistake, but what you cannot do is create your own sense of justice and, even worse, invent a very personal application of the rules.
To make matters even worse, what many of us think of as "our way of life" is very much built around a limitless supply of relatively cheap oil.
RAEBURN: now, these issues have come up before in other kinds of contexts, but what you're telling us now is that personalized medicine is going to make this even worse.
What is worse is that over three quarters of the population fear presentations in front of people even though, eight times out of ten there is nothing to fear or be anxious about.
Even worse, it comes in with the wrong namespace, so it can't be recognized for what it is.
What is meant to alleviate a serious environmental problem (climate change) is making another, even more serious problem (water shortage) worse.
Some analysts are warning that the gridlock in Washington is what could caused as even worse, more problems.
Not getting paid because of poor quality is one thing, what you leave behind can be an even worse experience.
The woman is very terrible. But the woman is worse. They can in order to what you want. Even hurt yourself.
Welcome to English in a minute. Falling is no fun, you can get hurt. Falling through the cracks sounds even worse. But is that what is really happening here?
Falling through the cracks sounds even worse. But is that what is really happening here?
It's bad enough not getting what we want, but it's even worse to have an idea of what it is you want and find out at the end of a journey that it isn't, in fact, what you wanted all along.
What did you do last weekend? If the answer is same old, same old--or even worse, you spent the weekend working--then it's time to make sure this weekend is different.
What made things even worse is that her friend was sleeping upstairs when the wall was built, so the police had to be called to help her get down again.
We then stop listening. Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness, as once you have decided what to say there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it.
What is worse, natural disaster that comes with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyze the whole economy and pose a severe threat to human life.
And as Ben Wedeman explains, this attack is making what was already a tense situation even worse.
What is worse, sand particles may even flow back into the formation to cause damage.
Making matters even worse, these problems led to what is euphemistically referred to as the "credit crunch."
Making matters even worse, these problems led to what is euphemistically referred to as the "credit crunch."