If it's all been done, what is left to do.
It should also be effortless to add a new task or check what is left to do: if it requires even a little of your energy or time, you'll end up not doing and the dreared whoosh will come again.
It is all about using scare tactics to drive up ratings, but in the end parents are left scared and not knowing what to do.
What we want to do now is to move the tree viewer to the left and put a table view on the right showing a list of the files in the folder we have selected in the tree viewer.
But it is a relatively small part of what many global Banks do and could well be left alone even if Banks had to make other changes to their business.
Jack is left alone unsure what to do next.
Now, to get to the number of neutrons, what we do is go up here to the upper left.
Once you have selected what you want to verify, all that's left to do is build the template.
The only thing that is left is what we actually do every day. What Sheldon and Lyubomirsky refer to as 'intentional activity'.
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it. Enjoy it now, to the fullest. Do what matters, now.
Don't do something wrong is what water to his own body splash, sister also left a toilet flushing.
When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
After dispatching the messenger, what is left for us to do is nothing but to wait.
If you do win, what else is left for you to win in the football world?
So one is left absolutely to oneself to find out what one is to do in this chaotic world.
An asteroid is on a collision course with the earth and you have one hour left to live. What would you do in your last 60 minutes?
I do not need to tell you these statistics. You know them better than I do, but more importantly, you know what will happen if this scourge is left unchecked.
A lot of owners in China always choose the best land to develop real estate, the rest with many restrictions is left to build golf course. What do you think about this?
After you win your rights, you can be what you want to be when you do what you want to do, I'm older and I'll be left with more things, this is life.
After you motivate the volunteer personnel in your district, gain their commitment, and set them to work, what is left for you to do?
Some of these you may have thought of yourself, some of these will be new but what I hope is that it gives you a push to do more and be more with the life you have left.
The danger is that if we become sufficiently anxious, we might very quickly give the few choices left to us away, identifying with an authority that tells us what to do.
Like you said, you do what I do for too long and there was be any soul left to salvage. I 'm leaving with what little I have left. Is that enough for you?
Well, at this point you already know what to do… The process is always the same, so just keep mentally associating images until there are no items left to memorize.
To do that effectively you must actually make a decision on what you think is important vs. what should just be left to the speech.
To do that effectively you must actually make a decision on what you think is important vs. what should just be left to the speech.