"What is this called?" The speaker knew it before but now he has just forgotten about it and would like to be reminded.
You see, the first "videophones"—that's what they're called—were made in Japan, but they can only show a still black and white image, so this videophone is much better than that.
This second step in the development of a full sense of self is what James called the "self-as-object".
No matter what it is called, this place is still different. It possesses a magical ability to weave itself into the dreamland of all those close to it.
That's what this is called by Jan Steen.
What you'll notice very delicately is that there's not all that much to this so-called floppy disk.
This limitation in time is most clearly seen whether it be an estate held for the life of the tenant, or what is called an estate pur autre vie.
This is what is called formalism.
Someone from the restaurant called immediately and asked, "What is this $500 bill for?
This leads us to what is called relationship banking -or it's really all banking is, relationship banking.
And thirdly, what is this texture called?
Its name is a contraction of the question “Baie qu’appelle?”: or, “This berry: what it is called?”
This is what is called the "cross-control" which allows to detect when someone is cancelling to many operations"
This example uses what in Scheme is called tail recursion.
这个例子使用Scheme中所谓的尾递归(tail recursion)。
This is what is called a naming collision, one that is luckily resolved by preceding the instance attribute with "this.".
这就是所谓的命名冲突,幸好,这可以通过在实例属性前放置“this. ”来解决。
This is done using what is called a D-Form store (D-Form is an instruction format).
这可以通过所谓的D -Form存储(d - Form是一种指令格式)加以实现。
And this is what it was called until its release 1.0 in the fall of 2005.
This is what psychologists have called 'hedonic adaptation'.
From this one report a developer can see what controller is being called most often and how is it performing.
When you try to scale that, its important to understand what percentage of the resource is actually usable. This measurement is called “scalability factor“.
So what is this thing called art?
This typically results in what is called an over-fitted system, perhaps performing well in artificial tests, but not in the real world.
这常常导致 “过分合身的”系统,这些系统在人工测试中表现得很好,但在真实环境中就不行了。
It would be easier to understand the relevant privacy policies if it were clearer what all this stuff is called.
This is a perfect example of what in psychology is called “social proof”.
Men, having no ovaries, accu- mulate this excess fat in what is usually called a 'pot belly' and they also get fat on the back.
Men, having no ovaries, accu- mulate this excess fat in what is usually called a 'pot belly' and they also get fat on the back.