As if she's starting to talk before she knows what it is she wants to say.
But if she is the person you love, then you have to accept it, because that's what she wants.
Ks finished school at Columbia art school in Chicago with a degree in art and design and an emphasis on sociological studies. ks is a racehorse when it comes to what she wants to do in life.
She is a combat instructor and can eat basically what she wants… but can't drink it!
WOMAN A: A good voice is a healthy voice. It lets the individual do what ever he or she wants to do with his voice.
The fiction might be what matters, says Gordimer, but it is the deeds of her life by which she wants to be judged.
A tough cookie is not something you want to eat. It is a person who is difficult to deal with, and would do anything necessary to get what he or she wants.
No, they just said that she was sort of a "bad-ass", "kick-ass" woman that is not to be messed with and she knows what she wants in her life and she'll go out and get it.
It's a point of honor with the customer not to let the shopkeepers guess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment.
It's a point of honor with the customer not to let the shopkeepers guess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment.