Next, we are going to talk about choosing social work today, I'd like to talk about, what happens when celebrity role models get behind healthy habits, but at the same time, promote junk food.
But over the next decade the technologies will become so cheap that virtually every phone sold will be what we, today, would call a smart phone.
But for today, besides giving our readers a preview of what is to come the next 13 days, we'll take this opportunity introduce you to Jerry Woodfill.
But it's not really the goal. What we really want to see is this: a steady stream of people coming today and for the next few weeks buying new phones.
If the original Facebook was the first five minutes [of a conversation] and the stream was the next 15, what I want to show you today is the rest--the next few hours of a deep engaging conversation.
It would be nice if the next version of service description would go beyond what WSDL or Web Application description Language (WADL) are today - "machine-readable" description of services.
Yes it's a nice gesture, it's very good, but it still doesn't change the result today, so we'll see what happens in the next RACES.
Life is too short for us to drift through it only performing trivial ACTS; write down today, what you want to accomplish by next week.
We all know that much of early-stage technology startup success comes from execution and often what you're working on today will be rolled out more seriously over the next several months.
You've got to stop what you're doing (maybe not at this moment, but today, or tomorrow, not next week) and be bold enough to ask yourself if you love what you're doing.
The rest of today and some of next time talking about the question of,? Well, what is it for a life to go well?
Just as the mind papers over the blind spot in the eye by assuming that what can't be seen is pretty much like what's next to it, the imagination assumes that tomorrow will be pretty much like today.
What steps can you take today in order to hone your senses and polish your skills so the next opportunity can be turned into a lucky moment?
That's what a source close to Bain Capital tells me about David Toll, who today reported that the Boston-based firm would offer investors a greater share of the profits on its next mega-buyout fund.
接近贝恩资本(Bain Capital)的一位消息人士这样对我评价戴维•托尔。 托尔日前表示,总部位于波士顿的贝恩资本将在下次募集大型收购基金时为投资者提供更高比例的利润。
If you want to ask someone about their plans, e.g. for today (or for tomorrow, or the weekend, or next week), you can say: What are your plans for tomorrow?
如果你想问某人的计划,例如今天(明天、周末或者下周)的计划,你可以说:Whatareyourplansfortomorrow ?
Julien: That's right. Thank you. Now you can sit down, Kim. Now what are you wearing? That's all show today, see you next time on Backpack.
If you want to ask someone about what they would like to do, e.g. today (or tomorrow, or the weekend, or next week), you can say: what would you like to do today?
如果你想问某人想做什么,比如今天(明天,周末或者下周),你可以说:Whatwouldyouliketodotoday ?
Today was very important. He told us what to review for next week's class.
Slow down and enjoy and pay attention what is actually happening today. Instead of just rushing through the day and always on to the next thing.
放慢速度,享受生活,留心每天都发生了什么。不要一味地向前冲,急于奔向下一个目标。 %。
I will tell you up front, I have no intentions of discussing today what comes next.
The agenda you've set forth here for the next two-and -a -half days in one that goes to the heart of what is exciting and important to business and industry today.
What we are going to do today and next Thursday to bring the knowledge so we all understand.
Water will continue to be what it is today-next in importance to oxygen.
Vicinity: The one after next was determined that, today what strives for solves?
That's what I'll buy today not because I'll derive income off of it, but because it's what people are going to want next week and I'll be able to sell it higher.
We have a very sophisticated business model that looks at what we need to do to compete today and what we need to do to compete next year and five years from now.
We have a very sophisticated business model that looks at what we need to do to compete today and what we need to do to compete next year and five years from now.