What motivated me to write this book was a deep desire to share with others the answers I have discovered to these and many similar questions.
The best way I know to think about things is to write about them, and so in order to force me to go beyond the obvious I am writing a book about what technology means.
None of the tribes we met found what we were doing strange: they all enjoyed walking, and understood why we would want to go out and enjoy the forest, and write a book about it.
Dr. Love said she and Dr. Domar decided to write the book because many people seemed to have lost sight of what it meant to be healthy.
I could not touch a book, it was impossible to write, so in the I-know-not-what mood I wandered about from room to room.
"I've been trying to move beyond The End of History ever since I wrote the book," Fukuyama says with weary patience. "But no matter what I write, everyone wants to ask me about it.".
尽管言辞简短,我仍震惊于他的镇静和安详,当提到使他成名的那些思想时,他颇有些不耐烦地说 :“从我写作这部书时起,我就一直试图超越《历史的终结》,但是不论我写了什么,每个人都向我提起它。”
What prompted you to write the book?
In the box, there is a book and a pen, people can use them to sign their names and write down everything what they want to say.
What a good scholar the author must is to write such a splendid book.
Today I read the friend write book commercial award, in writing the book he began to go to university, love history, history, and what is a failure, to end to give up the course.
"I wanted to write a book that talked about what it felt like to live through the illness with someone whom you love," Miller says during a call to her home in Boston.
Unless you are a translation, or English is a tool or skills, so that we can read the book foreigners understand what the foreigners know how to write a few words what's on the line.
If you could write a book to help the world, that is guaranteed to be a best seller, what would the title be?
Can you detect what the "bee in her bonnet" is that led her to write this book?
Talk about getting straight to the point. Most of us could write a book when asked what we do for a living and how we feel about it.
Talk about getting straight to the point. Most of us could write a book when asked what we do for a living and how we feel about it.