You might think that if you have a lucid dream, you can do whatever you want. But for me it isn't that simple. Building dream skills takes practice.
In my opinion, if you are a well wisher of the patient, you will ask the doctor - whatever it takes - please save the patient.
Do whatever it takes for the person to get into such state (you can, for example, tell a story that will lead the person to your desired emotional state).
Do whatever it takes with the resources you have.
If you don't then just trial it and test it out on a small scale, visit other successful implementations, get a second opinion and do whatever it takes to make a committed decision.
These unconventional stunts aim to be interactive, thought-provoking, or downright weird - whatever it takes to get your attention and make you remember the brand or product it's promoting.
You could always step on other people to rise and make more money. You could always put honesty and integrity aside and do whatever it takes to gain more power.
You pay the price, whatever it takes.
Third, make sure you do whatever it takes so the cow doesn't go into the ditch again.
Mary and John, whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on, I swear I will always be there, always, for all three of you.
Whatever form your stop sign naturally takes, have it at the ready at all times to bring you back from your thoughts and into the present moment.
Whatever you desire, you have everything it takes to achieve it.
Self-confidence is trusting that you have what it takes to handle whatever happens.
If you can write well and have something interesting to write about, do whatever it takes tobecome an author.
Like you, I've known I have something special and have been willing to do whatever it takes to to make my dreams come true.
Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. With each meaning comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves where you live emotionally.
Through sports, relax, laugh and whatever it takes to make you happy, keep balance in Ankang the day, is the key to release the pressure, let you keep the best working status.
You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make this goal happen, withstanding all of lifes trials.
You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make this goal happen, withstanding all of life's trials.
When you set your mind to insist to do whatever it takes not bottom, ability is qualified capricious.
Let's show them that we are. And let's do whatever it takes to keep the promise of America alive in our time. Thank you.
You need to do whatever it takes to make it work, it's your baby!
That way, you won't waste the necessary 15 seconds it takes to read whatever drivel he has posted, you'll save a further 30 seconds or so typing your response.
Your time block is the most important meeting of your day, so whatever it takes to protect it is what you have to do.
After a father, you must have a responsibility to heart that is whatever it takes to ensure the safety of the children.
I'll do whatever it takes to watch over you.
Be willing to do what it takes, and you can achieve whatever you wish.
Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.
Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.