o HOW TO KEEP COOL WHEN THINGS ARE HEATING UP The little one is dawdling, the twins are fighting, you're running late, the toilet is overflowing.
事件升温时如何保持冷静。 最小的孩子做事拖拖拉拉,双胞胎们又在打架,你过来时已经晚了,厕所里的水也渗出来了。
Even when we started two years back the craft cocktail scene in Singapore was already heating up and it was necessary to find a niche to stand out.
The idiom "to strike while the iron is hot" comes from the black-smithing practice of heating up metal, then striking it when it is malleable to shape it.
The idiom "to strike while the iron is hot" comes from the black-smithing practice of heating up metal, then striking it when it is malleable to shape it.