You held my hand... when it was cold.
Also she explained why water turned into ice when it was cold.
The same was true in the winter: when it was cold, we were very competitive.
"For me, I've always caught my bigger ones early when it was cold," he said.
Nicole lived on a farm where cocks were used as alarm clocks, and coal was burned when it was cold in the winter.
The old woman felt sorry for the child. She gave the girl small pieces of steamed sticky rice and warmed her up when it was cold.
When it was hot we used to stand by the pond in the shade of the trees, and when it was cold we had a warm shed near the grove4.
When he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea.
Moreover, when the antibody was given to chimpanzees, it inhibited rhinoviral growth, and in humans it lessened both the severity and duration of cold symptoms.
It was cold and dark when I woke at 6:30.
It was freezing cold outside, so I didn't want to get out of the car and just stayed at the wheel when we passed a cafe.
When I got up at five that cold morning, it was pitch dark.
当我在那个寒冷的早晨5点钟起身时, 天一片漆黑。
Also, when I took a long walk outside when the temperature was 60 degrees, I found it very unpleasant - way too cold for me even with a sweatshirt.
In 1956, when the cold war was at its peak, America deployed a "secret sonic weapon", as a newspaper headline put it at the time.
I'm sorry but the food was late and it was cold when it got here.i don't think I want to Pay.
So I've been recharging it outside in the cold, including days when the windchill factor was about minus 5, and it worked fine, illuminating a dim corner of my kitchen.
"Finding shorelines is a holy grail of sorts to us," said assistant professor Brian Hynek, adding it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry.
It was at that time that Rei felt that sensation of warmth that always filled her stomach when she was around Shinji go ice cold.
It was cold - the way my jacket felt when I first picked it up in the morning, hanging in the drafty hallway.
When I shook his hand and moved in for the kiss, he put his left hand on my right arm where it was bent at the elbow, and squeezed; it stopped me cold.
In 1982, it was cold and rainy when I began shaking hands in the dark.
A thermometer in the office detected when it was getting too cold and sent a signal to the network requesting that calculations be diverted to the servers in the office.
It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me.
Quickly she ran away and went to the moon, but it was too cold and it was grisly and evil, and when it noticed the child it sail: "I smell human flesh."
But he never went to these evening parties or balls except on days when it was freezing cold, because he could not afford a carriage, and he did not wish to arrive with boots.
It got cold and fall-like when it was supposed to and I loved every minute of it.
Davydenko's match was long so when we got to the court it was late and cold.
I remember that when we arrived in Hangzhou in February last year it was very cold and rained almost every day for two and a half weeks!
I remember that when we arrived in Hangzhou in February last year it was very cold and rained almost every day for two and a half weeks!