If there ever was a time when sheer force and industry would get the job done it has passed.
When a defect does not synchronize with a counterpart (assuming that the fixed delay time has passed), complete this procedure.
If there are multiple stateless app servers, you can just cut a client loose when it has passed a "reasonable" amount of time, and let it try its luck with a different app server.
Now when I awaken from naps, it usually feels like much more time has passed.
Western people usually shake hands when meeting someone for the first time, or when they see someone again after a certain amount of time has passed.
When this time period has passed, the query result is available for update.
When this time period has passed, this query result is available for update.
The Grimm's explicitly refer to her as being seven years old when the story starts, and while there's no firm indication of how much time has passed, it's no more than a couple of years.
Linda Friedlander, 49, of Tallahassee, Florida, said she feels comforted and sad when she lights hers for her grandfather, aunt and mother because it reminds her of how much time has passed.
We know that time has passed when something changes.
当事情发生改变时,我们知道时间已流逝。 %。
The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule.
Then later, when enough time has passed, become strong in your resolve to understand that everything you are seeing now is a precursor to a new kind of partnership with the forces of the planet.
The funny thing is that when either of us do pick up the phone and start chatting, it's as though no time has passed.
When you make up your mind to set out, the most difficult time has passed.
When you decide to start, the most difficult time has passed.
When you are sighing, time has passed away and happiness has slipped through your fingers.
When the amount of time supplied to this property has passed for a given entry in a peer resolver service's registration lookup table, that entry is marked for deletion.
It's with great regret that I say after all the time that has passed, I still have no idea when these matters will be resolved and I really don't know what the future holds for me.
It's with great regret that I say after all the time that has passed, I still have no idea when these matters will be resolved and I really don't know what the future holds for me.