So when he bought the building where he lives and runs a photo equipment rental shop, he turned the roof into a vegetable and flower garden.
When a mother takes her child home, usually after a one-month stay, FAO gives her a garden starter kit: hoe, machete, watering can and vegetable seeds.
On the human side, when bugs appear in my organic vegetable garden, I first use the most organic of treatments — my fingers.
So when she announced recently that she was going to plant a vegetable garden at our current house in New Jersey, my first thought was: 'How much is this going to cost me?'
When I'm not working in the house, I like to go outside and work in my vegetable garden.
So when she announced recently that she was going to plant a vegetable garden at our current house in New Jersey, my first thought was: 'How much is this going to cost me?
The authors manage to get in the Obama family's vegetable garden and swing set, noting that there was also a playground on the White House lawn in 1933 when FDR's grandchildren played there.
He was walking up the path his vegetable garden when two men suddenly appeared out of the dark and shot him down.
He was walking up the path his vegetable garden when two men suddenly appeared out of the dark and shot him down.