When you are ready to run the tests in this test suite.
When you are ready to jump back in, keep your options open.
When you are ready to test your changes, follow these steps.
Click the Redial button when you are ready to try reconnecting.
When you are ready to run the upgrade, change the preview to no.
Here is your menu. Could you call a waiter when you are ready to order?
When you are ready to begin coding, the first step is to set up a project.
When you are ready to finish the exercise, gradually deepen your breathing.
When you are ready to finish the exercise, gradually deepen your breathing.
When you are ready to move on, just press the “B”key again and the image reappears.
When you are ready to perform, remember that you don't want your audience too close.
That is, when you are ready to have your changes integrated, you can "deliver" the activity.
When you are ready to run your commands or SQL statements, you can click the Execute button.
You will need to know there are a number of events when you are ready to go for the mortgage.
When you are ready to continue, click click here to install the system, as shown in Figure 14.
准备好继续之后,单击Click heretoinstall the system,如图14所示。
When you are ready to stop, your doctor can help you slowly reduce the dose to prevent problems.
When you are ready to start building your application, click Start Building, as shown in Figure 3
当您准备好开始构建应用程序时,请单击StartBuilding,如图 3 所示。
When you are ready to use a particular application environment, you simply pick a pattern and deploy it.
When you are ready to create your own applications, you can create projects using Lotus Expeditor Toolkit.
如果已经准备好创建自己的应用程序,您可以使用LotusExpeditor Toolkit创建项目。
When you are ready to continue, select the option I accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next.
如果您已经准备好进入下一步,选择iacceptthe terms in the licenseagreements并单击Next。
As and when you are ready to migrate a Flex 3 application to Flex 4, you should not expect to do very much work.
When you are ready to make some material, you can let the agency registered enterprises to complete these things.
When you are ready to really change the look of your site, or convert it to match your previous look, proceed on.
W: The bell captain will put it in storage room. When you are ready to leave, you can claim your luggage from him.
When you are ready to set the world into motion - press start and the physics engine creates a gravity based world.
When you are ready to begin writing actual code, there are a lot of technologies available to make your life easier.
When you are ready to begin writing actual code, there are a lot of technologies available to make your life easier.