When questions come around at the end, you will be more equipped to answer them if you love what you talked about.
What iconic brands come to mind when you look around your space?
When he left the room, it was like the end of a movie, when the lights come back on, and you look around, and then remember where you were and what you were doing.
No matter how many birthdays you have already celebrated in your life, just know that there is much more to come in your life to celebrate when your next birthday comes around.
If you stay on this road, there will come a day when you'll want to tackle a project that everyone around you says is too big for you to realistically handle - and you'll handle it with ease.
So naturally when I heard that you wanted to come back to the Field Museum rightaway, I jumped at the chance to show you around.
In your days to come, when you feel the energies of fear around you, simply walk through them.
It just means that when things come up that aren't exactly in your plan, you work around them-and then you move on.
When can you come around to discuss some details with us?
What to do when inspiration doesn't come; be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes.
Well then, you just have your husband sitting on the front porch on Friday morning around 10 o 'clock so's he can be there when my Dad and I come to unload his new boat.
So when you come back around, after painting the town, you 'll see I'm almost over you .
When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?
So will you be when you grow up. The day you come of age, the gates will close around you because you are a woman!
将来当你长大你也会是。 当那一天来临,你周围的门都将会关闭,因为你是一个人!
When they do come around, top off your bottle with what they give you.
Dead people might talk, maybe, but they don't come sliding around in a shroud, when you ain't noticing, and peep over your shoulder all of a sudden and grit their teeth, the way a ghost does.
On stage, Nicole Kidman acknowledged the question that was around almost everyone who attended the Oscars, " It was why you come to the Academy Awards when the world is in such turmoil."
They may be offended when you first set up the rules, but they also should come around to appreciating your position in time.
Look out when you cross the street at the corner. Cars sometimes come around suddenly.
Removable devices, such as USB flash drives, come in handy when you need to carry your data around and transfer it to other computers, due to the fact that they are usually very small and portable.
Hey, come to think of it, last night, the night before your wedding when all this shit is swirling around in your head, weren't you guys sleeping in separate bedrooms?
I had received the things, thank you, when will you come to China? I will guide you all around.
It just means that when things come up that aren't exactly in your plan you work around them-and then you move on.
It just means that when things come up that aren't exactly in your plan you work around them-and then you move on.