When you do it online you can print your e-ticket which you must remember to bring with you.
When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress — it only shows how much you have to deal with.
As a member you don't have to register when you arrive, but you must remember to register your guests, and you must be able to produce your membership card if a club official asks to see it.
We were still discussing it, you remember, says Mr. Darling, when Nana came in with Michael's medicine.
When you want to record a new word or expression, remember to write it out in an example sentence.
Remember that when you enter your username, it is case-sensitive!
When you learn a new word, add it to your notebook, and write down a sentence that will help you remember how to use the word.
You have to remember the picture is almost 500 years old so it is not as sharp and clear as when first painted.
Remember the argument from recycling says when you build something, you build it out of parts.
Will you remember it and thank me with your eyes when I stand before you with empty hands at the leave- taking of my summer days ?
When you receive negative feedback, remember, it doesn't matter how many people don't get it, it matters how many do.
Remember that when you are genuine and authentic and you mean it, people will get you.
Do you remember, in the early 70s, when it seemed the height of sophistication to drink Coke out of a glass that had been rimmed with frosted sugar?
When it comes to Zero's RESTful resource scripts, good documentation not only helps you remember how your code works, it can help client-side programmers create and test their client code.
When you add a mapping to a WeakHashMap, remember that it is possible that the mapping could "fall out" later because the key is garbage collected.
Remember to thank the interviewer once it has finished and ask them when they will contact you.
We named the pictures' All for One, One for All. '... my girls lessened my sense of unease and I hope they will always remember that scary stuff isn't quite so scary when you can laugh about it.
And when it does, you will always remember the friends and teachers who were lost yesterday, and the time you Shared with them, and the lives they hoped to lead.
When you see it whole, you remember that it's not polar bears over there, and snakes over here; it's one place, one strange special place.
Stickgold believes what's going on is that the brain keeps track of unfinished cognitive processes, for example when you can't remember someone's name and it later pops into your head.
When you move between computers a lot it can be difficult to remember the logins for all the websites you use.
When you see someone out of context, like the librarian at the grocery store, it can be hard to remember who that person is.
When things get tough try to remember why you are doing it.
Also, remember that compassion is not something you reserve for when visiting places like India, but it begins at home.
When he left the room, it was like the end of a movie, when the lights come back on, and you look around, and then remember where you were and what you were doing.
It is important that you remember to wear good running shoes when you run; otherwise, you can injure your knees.
I can't remember exactly how he phrased it but it was something like: "When do you guys get to be too old to do this?"
When you build a CMIS client or tool, remember it is virtually impossible to build a truly compatible CMIS client if you only test with one repository.
构建CMIS客户端或工具时要记住一点:如果只使用一个存储库进行测试,要构建一个与 CMIS真正兼容的客户端几乎是不可能的。
Remember when it felt really special to get a free basic cell phone when you signed a two-year service contract?
Remember when it felt really special to get a free basic cell phone when you signed a two-year service contract?