Miss heart only stars know, heart desire only you know, when you see the stars twinkling in the sky, is my best wishes to you.
Half of all the stars in the sky are binaries, and so when you look at the spectra, you will see them go around each other.
Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"
Night, when stars little, his smiling face on the moment children, you may see a meteor in the walk around it, like fireflies as the entertainment, leisure, fly around carelessly.
When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, before you countless stars are my endless blessings!
Later we see images of the Creation ("when the morning stars sang together") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?
When we look into the sky. The operation of all the stars you see in the sky, all the galaxies you see at night. The sun. The way they work and the distance from each other.
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
I hope you can see the stars above when you are gloomy because I'm there looking at your joy and sorrow.
Now when you see the seven stars of the Big Dipper, won't it remind you of this filial, kind, and brave little girl?
Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars.
Could you see the shining stars in the sky, when the night is coming?
Don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars.
When it gets dark enough you can see the stars.
And recognize that every day won't be sunny. But when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember, it's only in the black of night that you can see the stars.
And recognize that every day won't be sunny. But when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember, it's only in the black of night that you can see the stars.