Where is he going to move next year?
"Where is he going to go next?" The policeman asked curiously!
With the Jews often he'll say, you can't go where I'm going, and they say, what is he talking about going?
One thing they have adopted is filmmaking – the Kogi believe a movie is their best hope not only of telling little brother where he is going wrong, but showing him.
他们已接受的一件东西是拍电影 -科吉人认为电影最有希望让他们不仅告诉小弟他们在哪里出了问题,而且还能放给他们看。
He drove his two children here to Ann Arbor, and told them: That is where you're going to college.
He then compares flakes grown in these controlled conditions with natural flakes, and is able to infer what was going on in the places where those natural flakes formed.
In these articles, he'll explore where our industry is and where it's going -- on both micro and macro levels -- with the unique wit and insight only he can provide.
The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.
Dark nights, dense fogs, blinding snowstorms, thick forests - all these can keep a traveler from seeing where he is going.
"This is just the tip of the iceberg," he said. "We don't know where it's going to lead, but it's a golden."
A man who knows where he is going, the whole world will give him concessions.
So how do we define a person? Not by where he comes from but by where he is going.
"I think they'll be on the battlefield by around 2015," he said. "it is going to make sense to use them in situations such as convoys, or in hostile environments where there is danger to personnel."
Zin Zhao is so op that he CAN stop mundo from going where he pleases!
He recognizes what Ramses II apparently did not: With his death, there is no justification of his life, there is no proof of himself to leave behind, there are no monuments where he is going.
We see evidence of his presence, but we do not know where he might be working or where he is going.
Before the sun comes up, Alatook reaches the area where he is going to hunt.
Ok, I'll bring this to him, he is on the business, but I don't know exactly where he is going.
He is going to the golf course where he practiced last week.
The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.
But then we'll start spending some consistent time together, and just when I get up the nerve to have a "talk" about where the relationship is going, he has to leave town again.
But then we'll start spending some consistent time together, and just when I get up the nerve to have a "talk" about where the relationship is going, he has to leave town again.