Start reading from where you left off last time.
Put a marker in your book so that I would know where you left off.
Continue where you left off in the application as the apacheu user.
Pick up where you left off, re-gain your momentum, and get back on track.
Find out what they're up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the application where you left off last time.
If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off.
Your colleague, meanwhile, gets to pick up that bug report exactly where you left off.
Work on your own schedule, pause to take breaks, and resume right where you left off.
Seeing a best friend you haven't seen in awhile and picking up right where you left off.
You continue the US high-school curriculum where you left off at home, but there is no teaching.
The app then provides a link to return to the previous search, letting you pick up where you left off.
For more than ten years, the Opera browser's default setting has been to let you start where you left off.
It can also remember the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off.
Jump Lists: It's no longer necessary to hunt through a folder of recent documents to pick up work where you left off.
When a session times out, you can re-authenticate and then continue where you left off; the user interface state is not lost.
You can then load it again later to continue where you left off, all without having to use additional scripting or database access.
If you’re reading an important document online when you leave theoffice, you can start the app later and pick up where you left off.
Find out what they're up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off. Don't be too open or put your faith in unreliable coworkers.
Draw your knitting out of yourpocket--that will do--now continue the history of Mr Heathcliff, from where you left off, to the present day.
You can also pause and resume file copy operations, so if you lose network connectivity at any point, you can just pick up where you left off.
Each remembers where you left off in your books, and includes built-in search, dictionaries and the ability to enter notes and to highlight text.
As the other user accepts the incoming debug sessions, your debug session will become suspended, and the other user will be able to debug where you left off.
You can shelve, or set aside, revisions; make commits (if necessary); and then unshelve, or restore, the changes to pick up where you left off previously.
Recording the current time, location, and activity next to each note can help you recall its significance, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.
Dirpersist saves and restores your directory stack across shell invocations, thus preserving important state so that you can resume work where you left off.
If there are technical issues with the system, or you want to complete your application some other time, you can save your work and later, start where you left off.
But once you warm the brain up, it picks right up from where it left off.
But once you warm the brain up, it picks right up from where it left off.