Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best.
We should know whether or not we have grown up.
Whether or not we can catch up on sleep—on the weekend, say—is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers.
Whether or not we can catch up on sleep on the weekend, say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers.
It's a question rather of how we know the author to be there firstly, and secondly, whether or not we should appeal to the authority of an author.
Whether or not we have left, we know how easy it is to leave.
The party depends on whether or not we can collect enough money.
Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather.
Whether or not we choose acknowledge these opportunities is up to us.
That's what we hope is the case, whether or not we know that it's the case.
We express thanks, whether or not we are able otherwise to reimburse the giver.
It calms us down knowing that we can choose whether or not we want to do something.
We all have goals and dreams – whether or not we ever talk about them, or write them down.
Whether or not we know it or like it, customer service is a great part of everyone's life.
"Part of the exercise was to determine whether or not we could bootstrap this thing," he says.
Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise.
Rational, unemotional, self assessment should tell us whether or not we have the skills and ability to do something.
The measure of success, then, is whether or not we give future generations the same opportunities that we have had.
A historic and unprecedented event occurred. The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered.
I then want to take the time to consider whether or not we should believe this and how well it fits with our modern science.
Whether or not we decide to work on support for dedicated visual tools for JRuby may all depend on how much demand there is for such tools.
Stress is never caused by life circumstances, but instead it originates in the thoughts that we have, and whether or not we believe them.
While doctors ask themselves these tough questions, some politicians continue to debate whether or not we are facing a humanitarian crisis.
The crux of the dispute was an initiative by a few members to proscribe any broadcasts to aliens, whether or not we receive a signal first.
We should be able to try all things, to prove all things, and then decide whether or not we actually like it, whether it brings us some sort of pleasure or wisdom.
As with most discussions of Facebook these days, it all returns to privacy concerns and whether or not we trust the site with more and more of our information.
As with most discussions of Facebook these days, it all returns to privacy concerns and whether or not we trust the site with more and more of our information.