Therefore this day and night rain, whether you care about, always thing-in-itself and song.
Whether or not you pay attention to the office decoration Feng Shui, regardless of whether you care about, in short, this company will affect the Feng Shui environment for everyone.
It's true. Your posture says a lot about you - it says whether you have confidence, or simply if you really care.
Whether you're LGBT or not, if you're here, you obviously care about or at least were curious enough to come, and therefore are exhibiting an interest in what we are attempting to achieve here.
It can get be upsetting to see the people you care about base their happiness on whether or not they will obtain these material things.
You can run it on your systems and don't have to care about getting more drivers or whether you'll be able to migrate existing hardware to the new system.
We care about, not whether you fail, but you can complaints to failure.
Today, we have a discussion in our class about whether you can take care of yourself when parents are out.
Whether you're selling an idea, a project, a product, or even a job in your organization, you must enter that situation with an expert understanding of your audience, and of what they care about.
What we care about is not whether you fail or not, but if you have no blame for the failure.
If you just answer the phone but never care about whether customer are satifisfied or not, whether they can order more goods or not.
If your parents didn't care whether you got good grades or not, would you be upset? What is something you know more about than the kid who gets the best grades in your class?
Don't you care passionately about, because whether it is pain or pleasure, it is my, fit my own heart, as for thepart, no matter what mood, is my choice.
用不着你们热情关心,因为不论是痛苦还是快乐,都是我的,合不合适我自己心里有数,至于分分合合,不管心情怎样,都是我的选择。 。
I honestly don't care about your age or whether you have been married before.
People care about you , whether you want them to or not.
I did not know if I walked, whether you can care about.
The man whether poor or rich, success and failure, only care about you can let your wife get true love, let families to get eternal happiness.
I don't care what many scars, only care about whether someone to accompany you in the future.
If you just answer the phone but never care about whether customers are satisfied or not, whether they can order more goods or not.
But if the pilot tells you the plane's landing gear is malfunctioning, you'll care more about landing safely than whether they're serving beef or salmon for dinner.
You don't care so much about going out anymore, and you may have gone through a period in which your friends questioned whether you were even still alive.
If you are in pain, whether physical or mental, and your man says or does nothing... that's someone who doesn't care about you.
Get health care free at the source without ever worrying about whether you can pay the bill.
I do not care about you whether to love me, so long as do not stop to hello!
I don't mind who has picked your glass-shoes up before, I just care about that whether or not you stay with me.
I guess the big difference is whether or not you care about the environment.
I guess the big difference is whether or not you care about the environment.